This Dancing Stone Celtic Cross is part of Boru’s Damhsa – Dancing Stone Collection. The centre CZ stone literally ‘Dances’ with movement, making it sparkle and shimmer. This Dancing Stone Celtic Cross incorporates traditional Trinity knots with CZ stone double circles.
The Irish Celtic Cross has been a symbol of faith for centuries in Ireland whether the belief is pagan, Christian or another religion. However, it is most widely known as a powerful symbol of Irish heritage. Originally crafted in stone Celtic crosses predate Christianity and in pagan times the circle of the cross represented the sun.
It was not until the 4th century AD when it was introduced by the Roman Emperor Constantine, the Celtic cross was used to represent Christ’s victory. During the great conversion of many pagans to Christianity, Christian philosophers adapted the Celtic cross. They taught the meaning of the circle to represent Christ, the centre of Christianity.
The Trinity knot is the most well know Celtic knot. In the Christian faith, the three points of the Trinity knot represent the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. These knots are complete loops that have no start or finish and are said to represent eternity. This is loyalty, faith, friendship or love.
However, to the Celts it meant many things. This included the mind, body, spirit; earth, sea and sky and beginning, middle and end. Therefore representing continuity. The trinity knot also symbolizes life, death, and rebirth.
Celtic Trinity knots like this, features in both ancient and modern Celtic art. It evokes the Celtic interpretation of the three realms of material existence: earth, water, and sky. The symbol also portrays the three Celtic worlds: the spiritual world, the present world and the celestial world.